Concept of Health, Population and Environment: Class 10 EPH Exercise

Concept of Health, Population and Environment : Class 10 EPH Exercise

  UNIT - 1  


1. Give very short answers to the following questions:

i. List at two aspects of health, population and envirionment.

Ans: The two aspects of health, population and environment are as follows: 

  • Physical Aspects
  • Biological Aspects

ii. What do you mean by physical aspect?

Ans: Physical aspects are all the natural, physical and man-made aspects which are found around us such as roads, mountains, river, lakes etc.

2. Give short answers to the following questions: 

i. "Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life." Justify this.

Ans: We get fresh air and food from environment. When the environment gets polluted, its components also get polluted. When the air gets polluted, it directly or indirectly affect the human health. When we are sick or unhealthy, we cannot do our works. We cannot do any Job boy earning money. We get unemployed which give birth to poverty. 

In absence of money we cannot fulfill our daily needs due to which we may be affected by several diseases. Unhealthy person cannot live a happy. In this way. Healthy environment supports healthy and happy life. So, we should always try to keep our environment clean and healthy so that we can live a happy and prosperous life. 

ii. How can you say that HPE is a multidisciplinary subject? Clarify it.

Ans: All the content related to humans, humans health and sound environment come under HPE subject. We learn about the importance of environment, methods of population control, ways of keeping ourselves clean etc. in one subject i.e HPE.

This subject covers all the areas of health, population and environment. HPE is integrated version of 3 different subjects named as Health, population and Environment. So, HPE is a multidisciplinary subject and these three disciplines are interconnected somehow because we cannot just study the environment without considering the effect on people and vice versa.

iii. How biological and sociocultural aspects of the environment are related to health and population? Explain briefly.

Ans: Biological aspects are all the plants and animals available in different part of our country. In the same way, Sociocultural aspects means the feasts, festivals, traditions and customs we are following. Human beings get food from animals and vegetation. They grow crops, rare animals inorder to uplift their living standard which help them to live a healthy life. We also visit different temples, attain different festivals. We enjoy there by consuming different types of food as per festivals. 

Excessive consumption of food in festivals affect our health. It causes diarrhoea, cholera etc. which may cause premature death. Due to premature death of people, the population of that area decreases. In this way, biological and sociocultural aspect of environment are related to health and population.

iv. Distinguish between biological aspects and physical aspects. 

Ans: Physical aspects include biotic and abiotic components such as rivers, roads etc. It include physical, natural and man-made aspects. Physical aspect provides shelter to the living organisms. It includes non-living or a biotic components. Man produces different physical things to satisfy his/her needs and wants. While producing such materials people use raw materials available in their environment. Thus, the development works like construction of bridge, canals, industries etc. also fall under physical aspect. But,

Biological aspects include the various types of plants and animals available in different part of the country. Man gets food from biological aspects of environment. Biological aspect of environment is required for all living organism in order to survive and continue their generation. Biological aspect is related to health and population. Density of population is more where there is fertile soil and agricultural production is high.

v. How science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE?

Ans: Human beings are using different modern technologies to make their life easier. People are also establishing industries for the production of fine goods and products. Many gases are being emmited from vehicles and industries which pollutes the environment. Due to pollution the quality of environment is decreasing day by day. Some people are misusing the means of science and technology to disturb people, create scams and to perform illegal activities. Pollution affect environment and polluted environment affect human beings.

When the health of person is not good he/she cannot contribute to the development of the country. Means of transportation and communication are made for the betterment of human beings but they directly or indirectly are affecting us. If we use the scientific knowledge and skill rationally, aspects of environment, population and health are effectively developed but if it is not used wisely it affect all the aspects of HPE. So, in this way science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE.

3. Long-answer questions (Comprehension level).

i. Explain HPE as a multidisciplinary subject.

Ans: All the content related to humans, human health and sound environment come under HPE subject. We study about various aspects such as biological aspect, physical aspect etc. We study about our sociocultural activities. We learn the way to live a happy and properous life. It teaches us the importance of keeping ourselves and the environment clean. HPE subject is the combination of three subjects i.e health, population and environment. HPE covers the wide area of health, population and environment. All these three subjects are interrelated with each other. The change in the subject matter of one subject affect another. So, HPE is a multidisciplinary subject.

ii. How are the physical and biological aspects interrelated with health, population and environment education?

Ans: Physical aspects means all natural and man-made aspects of environment which mostly includes non-living things such as river, mountains, roade etc. In the same way biological aspect include all the living component of the environment such as plants and animals. The availability of biological resources of a place determines the environment and health of people.

People almost get all the raw materials from the biological aspect of environment. It helps to promote the health condition of people by providing food, oxygen, raw materials etc. There is high population where there is fertile soil, facility of transportation, health service etc. When there is proper conservation of biological and physical aspect of environment, the ecosystem will be balanced. People can easily use the natural resources for running their life. 

The place with fertile land and high agricultural yield has nationally higher density. In such places, animal husbandry also thrives. It helps people to uplift their living standard. People can get nutritious food which help them to remain healthy. In this way physical and biological aspects are interrelated with health, population and environment education.

iii. Explain the relationship of science and technology with health, population and environment. 

Ans: We human beings use different modern technologies to make our life easier and comfortable. People are establishing different types of industries for the production of fine goods and products. Many gases are being emmited on a daily basis from vehicles and industries which pollutes the environment. Due to pollution the quality of environment is decreasing day by day. In the similar manner some people are misusing the means of science and technology to disturb people, create scams and to perform illegal activities. Pollution affect environment and polluted environment affect human beings.

When the health of person is not good, they cannot contribute to the development of the country. Means of transportation and communication are made for the betterment of human beings but they directly or indirectly are affecting us. If we use the scientific knowledge and skill rationally, aspects of environment, population and health are effectively developed but if it is not used wisely it affect all the aspects of HPE. So, in this way science and technology is interrelated to other aspects of HPE.

iv. How is the psychological aspect related to health, population and environment education?

Ans: Physchological aspect of health, population and environment means the aspect which represent the feelings of attitude, behaviour and understanding of individuals.

Human physchology plays an important role in regard to HPE education. If there is positive psychology then people can be motivated for the conservation of environment and they can be able to improve the health condition. Program and policies cannot be effective until and unless people are willing to participate in the environment conservation as well as population management programs. 

Positive attitude and behaviour helps a person to live a quality life. Provision of education helps to change the psychological aspects. If man heartly adopts the behaviour of proper utilization of means and resources of the environment, the environment will be conserved. It helps to maintain sanitation of the surrounding environment. 

When the environment is clean, people's health will also be good. Healthy people can run their life easily. They can easily contribute to the development of nation. In this way, people can live a happy and prosperous life. Hence, we can say that psychological aspect is related to health, population and environment education. 

4. Write short notes on:

i. Economic aspect of HPE 

We need money, business and exchange of goods and services for our survival. People conduct various income-generating activities. The money we get is essential to fulfil our needs and wants.

ii. Psychological aspects of HPE

Psychology deals with human thinking, attitude and behavior. Availability of services and facilities create positive attitude and shortage create the negative attitude and behavior. These positive and negative attitudes are developed with the sociocultural environment. Provision of education helps change the psychological aspects.

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