Invertebrates: Class 10 Science Notes

Invertebrates : Class 10 Science Notes

Invertebrates Class 10 Science Complete Notes. This note include all the excercise given in Invertebrates chapter of science book such as question answer, numericals, give reason, diagrammatic questions and define the following. This note is published for helping students to solve their problems.

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  Chapter - 14  


2. Differentiate Between 

a. Silkmoth and Honey Bee 

Ans: The differences between Silkmoth and honey bee are follows:

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Silkmoth Honey Bee
 We can obtain silk from silkmoth We can obtain honey from honey bee
 Farming of silkmoth is called sericulture Farming of honey bee is called apiculture
 It doesn't need colony to live It need colony to live 
 It has short like cycle It has long like cycle 

b. Larva of silkworm and larva of bee

Ans: The differences between larva of  silkworm and larva of bee are as follows:

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Larva of Silkworm  Larva of Bee
 Larve of silkworm lives in mulberry leaves Larva of bee lives in hive 
 It feeds on Mulberry leaves It feeds on royal Jelly 
 Newly hatched larva are grey in colour Newly hatched larva are white in colour

c. Worker Bee and Drone Bee

Ans: The differences between worker bee and drones bee are as follows:

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Worker Bee Drone Bee
 Worker bees are sterile female bees They are fertile make bees 
 They are smaller than drone bees They are larger than worker bees
 There are 10 to 50 thousands worker bee in a hive There are 100 to 500 drone bee in a hive
 Their lifespan is about 6 weeks Their lifespan is about 4 - 5 weeks

d. Larva of Silkworm and Pupa of Silkworm 

Ans: The differences between larva and pupa of silkworn are as follows:

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Larva of Silkworm  Pupa of Silkworm 
 Larva stage of silkworm is completed in about 25 to 32 days The pupa stage of silkworm is completed in about 12-14 days 
 It feeds on the mulberry leaves It stop feeding 

3. Give reasons:

a. Silkmoth is called the queen of fibers.

Ans: Silkmoth is called the queen of fibres because it forms a quality fibre, which is shiny, long and attractive. 

b. The cocoon of silkworm is kept in an oven or in a boiling water.  

Ans: The cocoon of a silkworm is kept in an oven or in a boiling water to to destroy the gelatinous substance. In this way only, silk thread can be unwound from the Cocoon.

c. Farmers keep the silkmoth's eggs at cold places in winter.

Ans: Farmers keep the silkmoth's eggs at cold places in winter inorder to prevent the hatching of larva.

d. Honey bees are vital pollinators.

Ans: Honey bees are vital pollinators because they help in cross pollination of flowers and other plants.

4. Answer the following questions.

a. Why is the silkworm called a useful insect ?

Ans: Silkworm is called useful insect because it forms a quality fibre called silk which is very soft, streong and durable.

b. List any two characteristics of silk. 

Ans: The two characteristics of silk are as follows :
  • It is the strongest of all natural fibres
  • It is highly elastic

c. How many times does the larva of a silkworm moult?

Ans: The larva of a silkworm moults 4 times.

d. In which phase of larva does the larva produce silk thread ?

Ans: The larva produce silk thread in pupa stage.

e. Write any two points to show the economic importance of silkworm. 

Ans: The two points to show the economic importance of Silkworm are as follows:
  • Sericulture helps to improve economic status
  • A Silk garments are light in weight and than other clothes

f. What do farmers do silkmoth eggs when mulberry leaves are not available.

Ans: When mulberry eggs are not available, farmers keep the silkworm eggs in cold places to prevent the hatching of larval from eggs.

g. In which stage of its life cycle does a silkworm begin to produce silk thread?

Ans: A silkworm begins to to produce silk thread in fifth stage after the fourth moulting.

h. What is a cocoon? What is metamorphosis?

Ans: A cocoon is a white or yellow, thick oval capsules. 
Metamorphosis is the transformation of a larva into an adult that occurs in insect life cycle.

i. Name two types of silkworms reared in Nepal. What food are they fed in?

Ans: The two types of silkworm reared in Nepal are as follows:
  • ERI silkmoth (Attacus Ricinii) - fed on caster leaves
  • SERI Silkmoth (Bombyx Mori) - fed on mulberry leaves 

j. Name the silkworms that are fed on mulberry leaves.

Ans: SERI Silkmoth (Bombyx Mori)  fed on mulberry leaves. 

k. Draw the figure to explain the life cycle of a silkworm.


Life cycle of silkworm

Credit : Byju's 

l. What is sericulture? Justify the statement "rearing silk upgrades the economic condition of individuals and the nation".

Ans: The rearing if silkworm on economic basis is called sericulture. 
Rearing silk worm helps to upgrade economic condition of individual and the nation because silk is used for making clothes, curtains etc. The silk products are expensive due to which we can earn lots of money.

m. What is chrysalis? In which stage of silkworm can we obtain silk thread? 

Ans: Chrysalis is the transformation of larva into the inactive stage inside cocoon.
Silk is obtained in cocoon stage.

n. How can we obtain silk from a cocoon?

Ans: We can obtain silk from a cocoon by keeping the cocoon in boiling water or in a hot oven.

o. Write in brief about the queen bee with a neat and labeled diagram.

Queen bee
Credit : VectorStock

The queen is recognized by her large abdomen. She produces a scented substance called pheromone that is distributed to all the members of the hive to identify them. The queen bee may live for 2 to 3 years. At the end of her life, one of her daughters takes over the colony. She is the only egg laying female. She does not involve in collecting nectar and pollen but helps in the production of offspring. There is a single queen in each hive.

p. Write the roles of the queen bee, the worker bee and the drone in a hive.

Ans: The roles of the queen bee, worker bee and the drone in a hive are as follows:
  • Queen bee = lay cags and produce pheromone for identification 
  • Worker bee = Nurse the broad, clean the colony and forage for food
  • Drone bee = Mate with the queen and die

r. Write any five points to show the economic importance of bees.

Ans: The five points to show the economic importance of bees are as follows:

  • Bee wax is used for making candle
  • Honey helps to prevent heart disease
  • Bee keeping helps to improve economic status of farmers
  • Honey bee helps in cross pollination
  • Honey is rich in vitamins and functions as anti-oxidants

5. Diagrammatic questions

a. The given figure shows the adult larva
stage of a silkworm. Label the parts A, B and C. Also mention the function of A and C. How long does it take to form next stage?

Silkworm labelled diagram

Ans: The names of part A, B and C are as follows:
A = Spiracles
B = Thorax
C = Abdominal Legs
The function of A (spiracles) is to allow air to enter the trachea.

b. Study the diagram and answer the following questions.

Cocoon labelled diagram

i. Label 'A' and 'B'.
Ans: The name of part A and b is given below:
A = Cocoon 
B = Chrysalis 

ii. Which part of them consists of silk?
Ans: The Part A consist of Silk

iii. What is the process by which 'B' is farmed called?

iv. What is the cause of keeping the stage in boiling water before unwinding the silk fibre?
Ans: Keeping cocoon in boiling water before unwinding the silk helps to remove the gelatinous substance of cocoon.

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  • Saruuuuuu
    Saruuuuuu 14 July 2022 at 07:48

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  • Saruuuuuu
    Saruuuuuu 14 July 2022 at 07:51

    Can we get the universe chapter one solution plzzz

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