Two Little Soldiers: Class 11 English Exercise

Two little soldiers exercise class 11

  UNIT - 1.6  

Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) was a popular 19th- century French writer. His short stories are characterized by their economy of style and their efficient effortless denouement. His tories are linked by irony and the frailty of human nature. He was an author of the realist and naturalist schools of writing. He wrote novels, poetry and newspapers articles, but he is best known for his short stories in the field of literature.

 🔆 Understanding the text 

Answer these questions.

a. Why do the two soldiers spend their free time on Sunday away from the barracks out in the country side?

Ans: The two soldiers spend their free time on Sunday away from the barracks out in the country side because they have found spot which reminds them of home and they a don't feel happy anywhere else.

b. Why does the girl become the topic of conversation for these soldiers?

Ans: The girl becomes the topic of conversation for these soldiers because they both have fallen in love with her.

c. Why does deception enter into their friendship?

Ans: In most of the triangular love stories, we find conflict, Jealousy and betrayal. If we make an analysis of the characters, we find Jean a bit of shy and quite where on the other hand, Luc is more social and open minded. Here, he has acted a bit faster than Jean in the matter of love relationship with the milkmaid. He keep leaving the barrack to visit the girl without informing Jean about his intensions. That's why deception enter into their friendship.

d. Do you think that Luc is a betrayer of friendship?

Ans: In my opinion, Luc is a betrayer of friendship because if he wasn't a betrayer, he would inform his friend Jean, while going out from the barracks to meet the girl on the working days like Tuesday and Friday.

e. What is the cause of suicide of Jean? Do you think that it was the only release of his love?

Ans: Jean was jealous of Luc's relationship with the milkmaid. Jean committed suicide as a result of being betrayed by his buddy Luc and losing his love.

No, I don't think that it was the only release of his love because the betrayal of Luc played a vital role in his death. Jean felt quite difficult to adjust himself to Luc's deception.

 🔆 Reference to the context

a. What is the central theme of the story?

Ans: The theme of the story is the incompatibility of friendship and romantic love. Jean and Luc are best friends. They fall in love with the same girl. To win the girl one of them must betray the bond of friendship. It is impossible that one should become the girl’s lover and still maintain the same relationship with his fellow soldier that existed before the girl came into their lives.

b. "What are you doing here? Are you watching the grass grow?"

i. Who is the speaker?

Ans: The dairy maid is the speaker.

ii. What does the word “here” indicate?

Ans: The word "here" indicates the place of Bezons where the soldiers are sitting. 

iii. Who does “you” refer to?

Ans: "You" refers to two soldiers.

c. "He leaned--he--he was leaning--so far over--that his head carried him away-- and--he--fell--he fell----"

i. Who is the speaker?

Ans: The speaker is Luc le Ganidec..

ii. Why is the speaker speaking with interruption?

Ans: The Speaker is speaking with interruption because he is in pain and scared of the death of Jean.

iii. What does he mean when he says “he--fell--he fell---”?

Ans: When he says "he...fell... he fell...", he means that Jean fell into the river.

d. Two Little Soldiers can be viewed as a series of dramatic scenes. Describe the story as tragedy.

Ans: There is a terrible event that ends the short story "Two Little Soldiers," a strange and dramatic love triangle story. Two close friends are at odds because of the milkmaid. Own friend's unethical and deceptive behavior has caused Jean to suffer greatly.

In the story, the tension occurs when the girl embraces Luc passionately, without paying attention to Jean, without even realising that he is present. At this time, Jean learns the reason why Luc takes leaves frequently and borrows money from Jean but provides no explanation. Luc and the girl disappear into the woods for a long time after they go to care for the cow. There is another passionate kiss when they return and the girl has refused to give him any milk that day. This makes Jean very sad as he lost both his love and betrayed by his own best friend that he commits suicide. Luc stays in sorrow as his close friend dies. Hence, the story ends with tragedy.

e. What is the setting and style of the story?

Ans: Two Little Soldiers' takes place in France's rural town of Courbevoie. A mental and emotional war is ongoing despite the absence of an extemal war. In this story, the author employs a highly realistic writing style. Because he had spent much of his life in the military, he had a strong interest in love and relationships.

f. How would you describe the conflict between the friends?

Ans: Conflicts occur often in love triangle relationships. There are a variety of types of conflicts. There are occasions when disagreements go too far, and there are instances when disagreements develop into long- term jealousy and hatred. Here in this story, we discover tension from person to person. Milkmaid's affinity to both little soldiers is palpable. They start talking about her all the time.

Deception enters the friendship between the two friends. This dispute is solely the result of Luc's deceitful behaviour and the actions of the milkmaid. When Jean learns about their relationship, he becomes enraged and envious of both partners. In his opinion, his close buddy Luc has deceived and betrayed him. The tension is shown in this scene in an understated manner. It's easy to see Jean's internal struggle. The underlying tension ultimately led to Jean's demise.

🔆 Reference beyond the text

a. Is it good to have conflict between friendship and love? Is it morally good that a person and his best friend can love the same person?

Ans: Having friendship and love at conflict isn't healthy since friendship and love really are crucial relationships for a person. Laughter and good times are fostered through friendship, which helps to ease tension and pain. Friends are invaluable because they colorify one's life. They make one more self aware because they shine a light on positive and bad characteristics. Similarly, loved ones will be there for one another no matter what.

If two people are madly in love with the same third person, problems are almost certain to arise. If their intentions are sincere toward the person they are interested in, two individuals communicating their feelings is not immoral. But, they should openly communicate and confess about it in a frank manner in order to come up with a solution while controlling their emotions. Otherwise, the result could be as hazardous as in this story.

b. How would you describe the triangular love?

Ans: Triangular love, as the name implies, occurs when three individuals fall in love with one another or two at one at the same moment. In such a love triangle, one person's dishonesty generates problems for the other two people. Such love can be described using the characteristics like friendship, ardent love, unhappiness, betrayal and jealousy.

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