How To Study For Exams in Less Time

Many of us get an anxiety alarm when we hear the term exams. No matter how much we spend our time studying or preparing ourselves for exam, we always get low grades.

Exams can turn into an unending nightmare for students who do not read their textbooks throughout the year. It's basically a race to see how fast you can get through a whole year's syllabus in such a short amount of time. As the board exams approach, there are plenty of people who are doing the same thing. 

In the event that you are wondering how to study more in less time for exams, here we have put together a complete guide for you.

10 Secret Tips To Study More in Less Time

10 Secret Tips To Study More in Less Time

Almost all students are confused about how to prepare for exam because they are required to learn the entire curriculum of a year in just a few weeks. They got anxious they started searching for tips and tricks like how to score good marks in exam, instead getting started to prepare for exams.

If you have limited time to prepare for an exam, and you need some help preparing for it, take these suggestions and tricks and you will be able to pass the test in no time. Even if you have only a few months or a few days left to prepare, these strategies will still work for you, whether you are studying for an exam that is just a few months away.

1. Utilize your time wisely 

You may have heard the sentence, Time is King. Yes, you heard that right. Time is the most imprtant factor that you need to consider while preparing for your exam. If you learned how to manage your time properly then you can easily master your time schedule. 

You need to learn to utilise your time wisely. You still have enough amount of time for your final exams. So start your preparation on time. Every subject or lesson you begin with, study it from an exam perspective from now onwards. If you start right now, things will be at ease and you can smoothly finish the syllabus on time. There would be no rush or panic at the last moment.

2. Check the syllabus 

When your exam is coming nearer and nearer then you should be updated about the actual number of lessons included in your current syllabus. You can confirm with your teacher about the lessons which have maximum weightage and the ones which have minimum weightage. 

After that you can start with the maximum ones and go thorough with all the important concepts covered in them. Apart from covering the chapters with maximum weightage, you can try the important chapters having high probability of appearing in exams.

3. Increase the duration of studies

Well, it's now time for us to be focused and exam oriented. We must increase the duration of self study in our daily routine. Earlier if you're spending 2-3 hours then increase it and make it 5-6 hours. As you go nearer to the date of the exam you can increase it even further.

Now it doesn't mean that you need to study 5-6 hours in a single slot. You may divide it as per your convenience. For an example, you can study two hours in the morning, two hours in the afternoon and two in the evening. But increase the duration and make sure you follow it every day. 

And make sure you take breaks in between and sleep properly at night for the required duration. But adjust the timetable to find enough time to study.

4.  Plan your subject wisely 

You need to balance your time with your favourite and unfavored subject. Don't study your favourite ones and ignore the others. Likewise, balance the theory subjects and practical ones. Many students don't even touch the subject which feels different but you shouldn't do that. 

You need to focus more on difficult subjects then easier one. Practice math every day if you feel math is difficult for you. The more you solve the problems, the better you will become. So allocate your time and practice accordingly. 

5. Revisit the concepts

Many of us study new lessons each day and then look at them only on the day before the exam thinking that we will remember it all. We'll that's not true my friends, revision is most important. If you don't do that then I'm sure your going to regret later on.

We are putting a lot of cognitive load on our brains while studying new things. So to ensure that we recollect all that we studied, it is important to revisit them in a timely manner. You can mark a specific day to revisit all that you studied during the week. You may take a mini test for yourself for a quick knowledge check.

6. Mark the important ones

While studying this specific chapter, we ourselves get a sense that this chunk is important and there is a high possibility of it coming in the exams. So mark them specifically so that while revising or during the last minute revision, you may specifically check on them and be double sure that you are able to solve it.

You can also make a separate note copy for writing only the important points while your teacher is giving lecture. By doing so you'll be able to remember them quick. You don't need to turn every page of your book to find the highlighted points. 

7. Solve previous year questions Paper

If you are planning on scoring a good matks in your exam then solving previous years papers is a must. You will get to know the patterns of the questions asked, the format and marking scheme. 

There are two ways by which you can use them. First, you may utilise them while studying to make sure that you don't skip any questions that were previously asked. The second is by actually solving the paper for the set duration and mimicking the exact situation of your exam. You will get to know whether you recollect all that you learned. Plus, it will give you writing practice and you also will get to know if you're able to finish the paper on time.

8. Self-assessment time

Self Assessment time is the time to get your papers corrected by someone or you may do it by yourself just like a strict teacher and mark yourself. By doing this, you will know your exact position and the areas you need improvement. 

Nobody understands you more then you yourself. You know exactly on which subject you are more capable of and in which subject you are lacking behind. It is the time to check yourself. You are not competing with anyone so don't try to cheat yourself. It's you Vs you.

9. Don't take frequent and long breaks 

There are many experts who recommend taking a break between preparations, but the length and duration of these breaks are not mentioned. Ideally you should take 15 minutes for every 45 minutes you spend studying. 

During your 15 minutes of break, do not split it into 5+10, 10+5, or 5+5+5 since you will get distracted by this. Therefore, in order to remain focused while studying, you need to take a brief break over the course of an hour.

10. Last minute hack 

If you're really short of time, then try cover only the important or main concepts of the highly weighted topics. You can quickly read the objective questions of all the lessons. You can also take help from a friend to understand some difficult concepts and ensure that you will still find time to check the previous year's paper.

You may not be able to cover each and every topic thoroughly but make sure your have a peek at as many topics as you can. Don't waste your time on unnecessary stuff when your exam is knocking at your door. Be determined and started reading right away. 

Final Thoughts 

There is a saying between people that noone can understand a thief more than another thief. Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not calling anyone a thief here. I mean to say that I'm also a student and I can understand you well enough. 

Different types of unnecessary thought keep on coming on your head when you sit for studying. At the time when I was in grade 10, I used to run a Facebook page and whenever I try to start reading then different thoughts like how to viral Facebook reels or how to earn money from facebook reels etc. use to come in my mind.

However I used to control my thoughts and focus on reading. If you also face this kind of problems while preparing for your exam then comment down. I hope you will follow these steps to score good marks in the exam.

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