When is Valentine's Day 2024? Valentine's Week 2024 Full List

Valentine's Day Week List 2023

Valentine's Week Full List 2024: Rose Day, Propose Day, Hug Day to Kiss Day. Valentine's Day Fall on February 14. Valentine's Day falls on February 14 around the world as a day to celebrate love. The celebrations of valentine's day begin a week before with Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, and Kiss Day. 

Valentine's Day 2024 will be all about showing your appreciation towards your partner. Whether it's a romantic dinner, a special surprise, or just a simple gesture of affection, nothing says "love" like taking the time to make your partner feel special. There are plenty of ways to make your Valentine's Day 2024 extra special, from planning a romantic getaway to surprising your partner with a special Valentine's Day gift. 

If you're feeling extra creative then you can even plan a Valentine's Day special event to celebrate your love. No matter how you choose to celebrate this day, Valentine's Day 2024 will be the perfect day to express your love and appreciation for your loved one.

Which Day is Today of Valentine's Week 2024?

Which Day is Today of Valentine's Week 2023?

The seventh day of Valentine's Week (13th February) is observed as Kiss Day. On this day, couples exchange romantic kisses to express their love and appreciation for one another. Couples usually take this opportunity to remind each other of their feelings and commitment to the relationship. Some people may also choose to give their partner a special gift or spend the day doing something special, such as going out for a romantic dinner.

It is a day that celebrates the act of kissing, which is a universal sign of affection. Kiss Day is a special day to show your significant other how much you care. It is a day to be creative and come up with unique ways to give your partner the perfect kiss. Some couples choose to exchange a traditional kiss, while others may decide to try something a bit more adventurous. 

Furthermore, Kiss Day can also be a fun opportunity to make new memories with your partner. It can be a great chance to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. Whether it is a special surprise for your partner or a new activity you can do together, the possibilities are endless. With a little thought and effort, couples can make Kiss Day a truly special occasion.

Why is Valentine's Day Celebrated?

Valentine's Day is celebrated all over the world on February 14th of every year. The purpose of celebrating Valentine's Day is to recall and show respect to the life and achievements of Saint Valentine, a Christian martyr. It is also seen as a day of romance and a celebration of love and appreciation between partners, family, and friends as well as a day of celebrating the work of various organizations.

Valentine's Day has come to be associated with the exchanging of cards, flowers and gifts between loved ones. It is a day to express appreciation for those we love and to let them know how much we care. It is also a day to show unity with those who are single or lonely, often with the exchange of simple cards and flowers. The holiday is celebrated throughout the world in many different ways, but always with an emphasis on the expression of love and affection.

Valentine's Day Week List 2024

Valentine's Week List 2024

The Valentine's Week is almost here - a week filled with love, affection, and joy. As the days go by, we get closer to the most romantic time of the year. To make sure you don't miss out on any of the events of the upcoming week, here is a list of all the events that will take place during the Valentine's Week. 

From rose day to hug day, from chocolate day to teddy day, from promise day to kiss day, from Valentine's Day to hug day, each and every day is special in its own way. So make sure you don't miss out on any of these days by checking out the Valentine's Week calendar. Let's make this Valentine's Week extra special by celebrating it with love and joy.

Valentine's Week Calendar 
Valentine's Dates Valentine’s Week Days
 7 February  Rose Day
 8 February  Propose Day
 9 February  Chocolate Day
 10 February  Teddy Day
 11 February  Promise Day
 12 February  Hug Day
 13 February  Kiss Day
 14 February  Valentine Day
 15 February  Slap Day
 16 February  Kick Day
 17 February  Perfume Day
 18 February  Flirting Day
 19 February  Confession Day
 20 February  Missing Day
 21 February   Break Up Day

Valentine's Week 2024 Dates and Significance

Each day of Valentine's Week has its own special meaning, and those who are in love with with each other use the day's name to come up with creative gifts and romantic gestures for their beloved. People in love search stores for the perfect present, or craft one with their own hands, to show how much they care. This week of romance is a time for couples to express their undying affection and admiration for one another.

Rose Day

Rose Day is the first day of Valentine's Week, celebrated on February 7th every year. On this day, people exchange roses to show their love and appreciation for one another. Red roses are often given to symbolize passionate love, while yellow roses are given to express friendship. 

White roses are reserved for those wishing to express a sense of purity and innocence. Rose Day is a great way to start the Valentine's Week and give your loved one a beautiful and meaningful symbol of your affection.

Propose Day 

Propose Day is the second day of Valentine's Week and is celebrated on 8th February every year. On this day, couples express their love for each other by proposing to their partners. Propose Day is a day of expressing your feelings to someone special and is celebrated with great enthusiasm. 

People exchange cards and gifts to express their love for each other. Couples also make dinner plans, go for movies, or spend some quality time together to celebrate this day. It is a special day for lovers to let each other know how much they care and love.

Chocolate Day 

Chocolate Day is celebrated on 9th February during Valentine's Week as a day to share chocolates with loved ones. It is a day to share sweet treats with friends, family, and partners. Chocolate is a universal symbol of love, and it has been used to express affection and appreciation for centuries. 

Celebrating Chocolate Day is a great way to show the people you care about how much they mean to you. People exchange chocolates with each other to symbolize their deep love and appreciation. Chocolate Day is a wonderful opportunity to show your loved ones how much they mean to you.

Teddy Day

Teddy day is the fourth day of Valentine's week and it is celebrated on 10th February every year. In this day people offer cute things like a teddy bear to represent their love and affection towards their loved one. 

Teddy bears have long been a popular gift for Valentine's Day. It a classic symbol of love and affection and the perfect gift to show someone special how much you care. The soft and cuddly teddy bear serves as a reminder of the warmth and security of a relationship. Its playful nature adds a fun and positive touch to any celebration, making it the perfect way to spread joy and love on Valentine's Day.

Promise Day 

Promise Day is celebrated on the fifth day of Valentine's Week. It is a time to reaffirm the promises made to your loved one. It's also a time to make new promises of commitment, faithfulness and everlasting love. Couples often exchange promise rings, cards or gifts as a symbol of their commitment to each other.

It's a day to celebrate the love and devotion that couples feel towards each other, and to make sure that their love remains strong and green forever. On Promise Day, couples often make promises to each other that they will stay together forever and never break each other's hearts.

Hug Day

Hug Day is celebrated every year on the 12th of February as part of Valentine's Week. Hug Day is a special day when couples and friends come together to celebrate their bond of love and affection. This day is also a reminder to appreciate the people in our lives and to show them how much we care for them. 

People often express their love and appreciation by giving a tight hug to their special someone. It is believed that a hug has the power to bring a positive feeling and healing energy. A hug is a universal language that helps us express our love and gratitude in the most intimate way possible.

Kiss Day

Kiss Day is one of the most anticipated days of Valentine's week which is celebrated on the 13th of February every year. It is a day devoted to the celebration of love and affection through the exchange of kisses with loved ones. The exchange of kisses is a beautiful and intimate gesture that helps to strengthen the bond between two people.

Kissing is an expression of love and affection that helps to bring two people closer. On this day, couples share romantic kisses, friends exchange pecks on the cheek and parents give their children sweet kisses. This day is a reminder to express love through simple yet meaningful gestures like kissing.

Valentine's Day 

Finally on 14th February, Valentine’s Day is celebrated every year. In this day couples go out on a date, exchange gifts and spend some quality time with each other to make this day special and to symbolize their deep love and affection towards each others.

Some people show their love and appreciation for their significant others with romantic gestures such as cards, chocolates, flowers, and jewelry. Friends and family also exchange small tokens of affection or kind words to show their appreciation.

As soon as Valentine's Week is over, people celebrate Anti-Valentine's Week, which is unrelated to love and romance. It starts with Slap Day, and continues with Kick Day, Perfume Day, Flirt Day, Confession Day,  Missing Day and at last break up day.


1. When is Valentine's Day 2024 UK?
Ans: Valentine's Day in the UK in 2024 is on Wednesday, February 14th.

2. Which day is 7th feb to 14 feb 2024? 
Ans: According to Valentine's Week List 2024;
7th Feb - Rose Day
8th Feb - Propose Day
9th Feb - Chocolate Day
10th Feb - Teddy Day
11th Feb - Promise Day
12th Feb - Hug Day
13th Feb - Kiss Day
14th Feb - Valentine's Day

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