Hidden Optical Illusion: Can You Spot A Hidden Panda Within 5 Seconds?

Hidden Optical Illusion: Can You Spot A Hidden Panda Within 5 Seconds? Optical illusion picture are often tricky and confusing. We need time to understand the illusion. Optical illusions are basically a tricky picture made by using different colour combination and lines inorder to trick out mind.

We all have played mind games at least once, whether you play puzzle games online or solve rubix cube. They all are the types of mind games. Optical illusions manipulates our mind and make us believe about the things that isn’t true at all. For example, an optical illusion can distract you from finding the hidden objects. Do you get it? If not then we'll discuss later on with proof. 

Today in this article I'm going to share an optical illusion picture with you and you have to complete the challenge given. Now the challenge can be anything based on the type of optical illusion picture. You'll understand it later on so don't worry about the challenge. I think it's time for us to move towards the main dish of today's optical illusion. So let's keep moving forward. 

Can You Spot A Hidden Panda Within 5 Seconds?

Hidden Optical Illusion: Can You Spot A Hidden Panda Within 5 Seconds?

The above image is a perfect example of an optical illusion that uses color combination to distract our mind. Previously I was talking how optical illusion distract you and make you see and believe which is actually not true. This optical illusion does the same work. The above optical image uses black and white color combination to hide a white panda from our eye. The panda is hidden somewhere between the pills and our task is to find it.

As I already mentioned, this optical illusion is going to be a challenge for you and you are asked to find the hidden panda from the optical illusion picture within 5 seconds. Do you think you'll be able to spot tour the panda within 5 seconds? Let's see whether you are capable of completing this challenge or not. 

I will provide you the correct answer at last but before that it's your tasks to find out the hidden panda from the given optical illusion picture. Let me remind you that you have only 5 seconds to complete the challenge. If you are unable to find out the hidden panda within 5 seconds then you'll be considered as a loser so you better keep up with time.

Where is the panda hiding in the optical illusion picture?

You are here means you are checking for the answer. Before showing you the correct answer let me ask you, did you spot out the hidden panda in the given time frame? If your answer is yes then you can scroll further down and confirm your answer. If your answer is No then don't scroll any further more. I'll give you some clue to help you out.

The answer of this optical illusion is so much easy. You'll be able to spot out the hidden panda within a few seconds if I give you the clue. So the clue is that the panda is hiding somewhere at the right side. I think you understand now. What about giving it a try again. If you are still unable to find the hidden panda then look at the image given below to find it.

Hidden Optical Illusion: Can You Spot A Hidden Panda Within 5 Seconds?

As you can see in the image given above, the panda was hiding just under your eye but you weren't able to find it. Let me tell you why you weren't able to see the hidden panda before. Well, the answer is very simple. All the objects in the given optical illusion are made from two colours which are black and white. The combination of these two create an illusion in our brain and our brain can't focus at a particular object. 

Almost all the objects shown in the optical illusion picture seems identical due to which you weren't able to find the hidden panda. From this optical illusion picture we came to a conclusion that optical illusion image uses color combination to create an illusion in our brain. 

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