Optical Illusion To Test Your IQ: Can you spot 'C' hidden among Os in 7 seconds?

Optical Illusion To Test Your IQ: Can you spot 'C' hidden among Os in 7 seconds? Nowadays, internet and social medias are full of optical illusions. It seems like people are really enjoying optical illusion test. If you are planning to utilise your free time then you should start figuring out the optical illusion as soon as you can.

Every time I open Google, I see optical illusion picture at the top of my feed. I often get wondered why Google suggests me optical illusion picture everyday. I soon came to know that it was what most people love. I thought of giving it a try once. I opened an optical illusion picture and tried to complete the challenge given there. It was fun and I really enjoyed it. 

I want you to have fun like I did, so I'm going to give you an optical illusion challenge in this article. You have to complete the challenge in the given timeframe to declare yourself a winner. I will also give you the correct answer of optical illusion challenge shown in this article at last.

Optical Illusion To Test Your IQ: Can you spot 'C' hidden among Os in 7 seconds?

Optical Illusion To Test Your IQ: Can you spot 'C' hidden among Os in 7 seconds?

After a long gap, I'm back with an interesting optical illusion challenge where you have to spot the odd one. Look at the optical illusion picture shown above. Your main challenge of today's optical illusion is to spot out the letter 'C' from the group of letter 'O'. Do you think you can do that? Give it a try yourself. I'll provide you answers later on.

Before you start the challenge, I want to remind you some rules of this challenge. The first and foremost rule of this challenge is that you must finish the task within 7 seconds. If you take more than 7 seconds then you'll be considered as a loser. The second rule is that, you are not allowed to scroll down because you'll find the answer at the end of this article. If you scroll down and tried to cheat then you'll be a loser.

Finding the letter 'C' is very easy. You just have to search for that letter very carefully. Many people will find it within a seconds and some can't even find it in a minute. The less time you took to find the letter 'C' from the picture, the professional you will be considered. Alrigh, Have you found the letter'C' that was hidden, or is it still a mystery? Come on, hurry up, time is almost over. If you still don't know the solution, we're here to assist you.

Where is the letter 'C' hidden in the optical illusion picture?

Well, it looks like you were unable to find the hidden letter. Am I right? Don't feel down, we will help you to find the hidden letter. Before I tell you the answers, I want you to know the secret technique to solve any puzzles. You should always begin solving the puzzle from left to right and then from top to bottom. Would you mind applying this trick to sove the above puzzle? I guess not. Give it a try oncemore then look at the answer given below. 

Optical Illusion To Test Your IQ: Can you spot 'C' hidden among Os in 7 seconds?

As you can see, the letter 'C' was hiding just there and you were too dense to spot it out. The objective of this optical illusion is to test your vision power and tell us what level of sharpness you possess. Those who weren't able to find the hidden letter within 7 seconds, it's considered that you have weak vision and you don't pay much attention to the things around you. 

Those people who were able to spot out the hidden letter in less than 7 seconds without watching the answers are, considered to be intelligent and far sighted people who pay 100% attention to everything they do. Research shows that the more challenging riddles you complete, the smarter you become.

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