How to Avoid Distractions While Studying

As a student, we all have one question wandering in our minds: How to avoid distraction while studying and stay focused? This is the thought which comes in our mind whenever we try to study or do our assignments but get distracted evey time. 

We make a rough sketch in our mind to study for at least 2 hours and start studying but after few minutes you end up scrolling Instagram reels or YouTube shorts, isn't it? But know this: you are not alone in this struggle. Every student has faced this problem and it can be disheartening.

In this article, we'll provide you working tips on how to avoid distractions and stay focused while studying. From finding a quiet and calm place to getting enough sleep for better concentration, we'll help you to break-up with your distraction and establish a new relation with your studies. 

7 Tips to Avoid Distractions and Stay Focused While Studying

How to Avoid Distractions While Studying

Distractions are common to every student, no matter whether you are a topper or a backbencher. However, the source of distraction may differ from person to person. According to a study, it was found that students get distracted for at least five  minutes out of every 15 minutes. 

Over time, these distracted moments could add up and have a negative impact on your studies. Distraction can be anything, whether it's your phone buzzing, neighbours shouting or a TV in the background. While these distraction cannot be eliminated specifically if you are living in a crowded place. 

The good news is that you can easily avoid all these distractions and stay focused in your studies by following the 7 actionable tips given below and putting a little more self effort. 

1. Find a quiet place to study

The very first thing you need to do inorder to avoid distraction while studying is to find a quiet place. Your should find a place where you won't be interrupted by noise, people, or other distractions. If possible, find a place where you can sit at a desk or table and have plenty of space to spread out your materials.

Find a quiet place to study

When you study at a quiet place, you'll be able to concentrate your mind in your studies instead of hearing what's your neighbours are saying or looking at the TV from your side vision. But remember, finding a quiet place doesn't guarantee your 100% concentration in studies unless your mind is calm.

Let's say you've found a noise-free room where you won't be disturbed by anyone. You sit down with your study material but start thinking about what to watch after you've finished studying; then, finding a quiet place will totally be useless. 

So, first, try to calm down your mind, and only then start studying if you want to give your full attention to your studies.

2. Turn off your phone and other devices

In today's era, source of entertainment such as mobile phones are the main source of distraction. So before you start studying, keep your phones and other devices away from your study place. This will help you avoid the temptation to check social media, email, or other notifications. 

Turn off your phone and other devices

If you need to use your phone for something, put it in airplane mode so you won't be interrupted by notifications. You can also delete all the social media applications from which you receive notifications. 

I don't mean that you shouldn't use social media. You can use them in your free time. While using social media, use it from the browser instead of using the application. Logging in to your social media handles from the browser takes time and you won't be opening it frequently. 

3. Reward yourself

Studying becomes fun and interesting when you get something in return for your hardwork. We feel bored while studying even for a short period of time. So to make your study more efficective and interesting try keeping a reward for each time interval.

Reward yourself

Make a mindset that after completing certain portion you'll get to enjoy your favourite dish or something like that. Select rewards that you genuinely enjoy and that will motivate you to work hard. Now the reward can be anything like watching your favourite show or hanging out with your friends. 

However, your reward should be proportional to the amount of effort you put in, so that you feel like you earned it. By doing this, you'll keep yourself motivated and having some motivation can go a long way when it comes to focusing while studying. 

4. Make a Proper Schedule 

Making a proper schedule is one of the most effective ways to avoid distractions while studying. By creating a schedule, you can plan out your study sessions in advance. It helps you to ensure that you have enough time to complete all of your tasks. This is helps to avoid the stress and anxiety that can come when trying to complete everything at once.

Make a Proper Schedule

When making a schedule, it's important to include breaks in your schedule, as well as time for meals and other activities. This will help you maintain a healthy balance between work and leisure, which is essential for staying motivated and focused.

Once you've created your schedule considering all the aspects, make a commitment to follow it as closely as possible. If you follow the schedule for just a day then your whole plannings will go in vain. However, it's okay to make some adjustments if necessary, but try to avoid deviating from your schedule too much. 

5. Avoid Multitasking 

Some people try knocking out several work at once inorder to save time and work faster. Attempting multitask, such as doing reading while eating or doing homework while studying, will only cause distraction and you'll loose focus.

Avoid Multitasking

Multitasking is often seen as a way to increase productivity, but in reality, it can actually have the opposite effect. When you try to do multiple things at once, your brain has to constantly switch between tasks, which can slow you down and make it harder to concentrate. 

Instead of multitasking, try focusing on one task at a time. You have to give your full attention to that one task you are doing. By doing so, you'll be able to complete the task more quickly and accurately. So, if you want to avoid distractions and stay focused, try to avoid multitask and instead focus on one thing at a time.

6. Study in Short Bursts 

It's better to study for shorter periods of time more frequently than to try to study for long periods of time all at once. Try to study for 25-30 minutes at a time, or take a break for 5-10 minutes for every hour study. This is one of the effective technique to increase concentration and stay focused in your study. 

Take a short break

Now you may want to know the reason why you should study in short bursts. There are few reason why studying in bursts is super helpful. First, it allows you to focus on one task at a time without getting sidetracked. Second, it gives your brain a chance to rest and recharge between study sessions. Third, it can help you to avoid burnout.

Studying in short bursts can really be helpful way to improve your focus and concentration. So if you are struggling to focus while studying, you should definitely try giving this technique a try.

7. Get Enough Sleep 

We all know, a good sleep is essential for staying focused and productive. When you don't get enough sleep, your brain doesn't have time to rest and repair itself. This means you'll feel sleepy whenever you want to study or do any work.

Get Enough Sleep

You should at least aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. If you find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep, you should make a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Also, make sure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool. These conditions are ideal for good sleep.

You'll eventually notice the difference in your energy level when you start doing any productive work after getting a good sleep. So, if you want to improve your study habits and focus in your studies, make sure to get enough sleep.


Staying focused while studying is crucial for academic success, but it can be challenging in today's world full of distractions. However, by implementing the 7 tips mentioned in this blog, you can effectively avoid distractions and maintain your focus. 

Finding a quite place, taking breaks, eliminating digital distractions, making schedules, rewarding yourself, and getting good sleep are all strategies that can help you optimize your study sessions.

Remember, the results of your hard work may not be immediate, but by consistently applying these tips and prioritizing your studies, you will eventually see progress. It's important to be patient with yourself and trust the process.  


Why should we avoid distractions while studying?

When tou get distracted, you'll be unable to any your 100% attention to your studies. Every time you get distracted, you'll lost your precious time that you could've used to study, memorize, and master content.

What are the distractions while studying?

In today's time, technology such as mobile phone, computers and laptops are the main source of distractions.

Why can't I focus on studying?

One of the main reasons why you can't focus in your studies is because of distraction. You'll get distracted time to time by your phone buzzing, your neighbours quarrelling or TV running in the background.

How can I improve my concentration?

You need to eliminate all the distraction inorder to improve your concentration. Apart from that, try avoiding multitask, take breaks and connect to the nature for better concentration.

How can I stay motivated while studying?

To stay motivated while studying, it's important to remind yourself of your goals and why you're studying. You can also try using rewards, making schedules and finding a study group or accountability partner for support.

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