Fluid Statics Class 12 Physics Notes and Numericals

Fluid Statics

Fluid Statics falls under mechanics of class 12 physics. Fluid Statics Class 12 Physics Notes is designed according to the updated syllabus of 2080 and it covers all the important portion of the chapter. Students can easily prepare their notes, study for test or exams by taking the help of class 12 Fluid Statics Notes PDF.

Fluid Statics Class 12 physics notes PDF contains all the important notes including derivation, important formulas, give reasons, solved numericals and other many important questions. Students can even download class 12 Fluid Statics Notes PDF for using it offline. 

  Unit - 1.3  
Fluid Statics

Liquids and gases do not possess a fixed shape, they each have the ability to flow from one point to another. For this reason, they are referred to collectively as fluids. In other words, liquid and gas are fluids. 

The development of fluid mechanics continued along two different paths: the mathematicians and physicists developed the theory and applied it to "idealized" problems that did not have much practical value.

Fluid Statics

  Chapter Overview  
In this chapter we are going to learn the following concepts, ideas or topics;

  • Thrust and Pressure
  • Laws of liquid pressure
  • Pascal laws
  • Upthrust or Buoyancy
  • Archimedes's principle
  • Density and Specific Gravity
  • Principle of flotation
  • Metacentre
  • Surface tension
  • Surface energy
  • Excess Pressure on curved liquid surface
  • Shape of liquid surface
  • Angle of Contact
  • Capillarity
  • Viscosity
  • Newton's law of viscosity
  • Streamline and turbulent flow
  • Poiseullie's formula
  • Stoke's law
  • Equation of continuity and its application
  • Bernoulli's theorem and its application

Now let's move on to the notes of Fluid Statics. The PDF given below contains all the notes which includes all the topics mentioned in the chapter overview. We request students to use the notes of Fluid Statics wisely for the purpose of making notes and preparing for the board examination.

You have to scroll down the PDF to view all the notes of Fluid Statics. This PDF contains 20 slides in total which contains all the required notes of Fluid Statics. It doesn’t contains the numerical problems so if you are searching for the numericals then you'll find them in the next PDF given below. 

Thrust and Pressure

The total force exerted normally on a surface is called thrust. Since thrust is a force, its SI unit is Newton (N). The dimensional formula of thrust is [MLT‐²]. The force acting normally on a unit area of the surface is called pressure.

             Pressure (P) = (Force)/(Area) = F/A

Pressure depends upon thrust (F) and area of contact (A). Greater the thrust (F), greater will be the pressure i.e. P∝F. On the other hand, pressure is inversely proportional to the area of contact of a body i.e. P ∝ 1/A. For example, sharp knife is more effective to use as sa cutting tool than blunt knife because it exerts more pressure due to its small area of cutting edge. Similarly, buildings of wide foundations have large surface area. This reduces the pressure exerted by the building on the ground.

The unit of pressure in SI system is N /m² or Pascal and in CGS system is dyne/cm². The dimensional formula of pressure is [ MI-¹ T-² ]. Other practical units of pressure are, atmosphere, bar, mm of Hg or torr. 1 atm = 1 standard pressure = 760mm of Hg = 1.013 bar = 1.013 × 10⁵ Pa = 14.7 lb / in²

Fluid Statics Class 12 Physics Numerical Questions 

Those students who want to practice the numericals from Fluid Statics chapter can practice the questions given in the PDF below. We have solved the selected numericals which will provide you the way of solving the numericals. Hhh

This PDF contains all the important numericals from fluid statics chapter. In addition to the numericals it also contains all the required formulas and few derivation used for solving the numerical problems of this chapter. 

If you are willing to practise more numerical problems for your examination then you can practice the questions listed below. 

  • An iceberg having volume 2.06 litre floats in sea water of density 1.03 gm/cm³ with a portion of 224 cc above the surface. Calculate the density of ice. Surface tension of water = 70 × 103 N/m. [Ans: 918 kg/m²]
  • A boy can lift a maximum load of 250 N of water. How many liters of mercury (density 13600kg/m³) ca he lift if contained in an identical vessel. [Ans: 1.838]
  • A geologist finds that a moon rock whose mass is 7.2 kg has an apparent mass 5.88 kg when submerged in water. What is the density of the rock? [Ans: 5454.54kg/m³]
  • A string supports a solid iron object of mass 200gm totally immersed in a liquid of specificgravity 0.9. Calculate the tension in the string it the density of iron is 8000kg/m³ [Ans: 1.775 N]
  • A piece of gold-aluminium alloy weights 100g in air and 80g in water. What is the weight of the 7. gold in the alloy if the relative density of gold is 19.3 and that of aluminium is 2.5 [Ans 0.057 kg]
These questions are provided for practising purposes. So we haven't provided the solutions of the numerical problems. However, if you are facing problems while solving these numericals then we request you to copy the questions and paste it in Google to get the solutions of that numericals. If that doesn't work then you can contact us through our telegram channel to get the solutions.

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